2021 FSN Annual General Meeting in Chengdu

2021 FSN Annual General Meeting in Chengdu


FSN Annual General Conference 2021 will be held at Chengdu, China in 29-31 October 2021.

There will be a limited 400 delegates for the conference. The register will open around September 2021 and normall will be fulled up and register closed in 2-3 days. 

FSN AGM is a big event as usual, there will be clincal new findings and management for certain conditions. New research will be broadcasted and well-known presenters will attend the event. Furthermore, Professioanl Grade System will open for the practitioners who want to get into grade.

Southwest China Chengdu is also the home for giant panda. 

Please pay attention to your regianl group annancement if you want to join this event.